Strategic customs and excise advice tailored to your needs

  • Are you looking for functional customs and excise advice?
  • Would you like to get professional customs advice tailored to your needs?
  • Do you want to avoid the payment of additional charges due to delays at customs?

Then contact the experienced customs and excise specialists at Customs Square. Our team will give you tailored advice and guidance, fully adapted to your organisation or company.

Know your import duties and keep your costs under control

Your profit margin takes precedence, so you want to avoid any delays at customs. You can do so with the help of Customs Square by ensuring customs and excise regulations are applied correctly.

Providing customs and excise advice is our core service. Our in-depth knowledge ensures you can comply with international legislation at all times. In addition to independent advice, Customs Square will provide you with operational support, strategic guidance and optimal problem prevention regarding customs and excise.

This enables you to keep control of your costs and always stay up-to-date with the regulations.

A complete package of customs, excise and VAT advice

With our combined expertise we can provide you a comprehensive service for your customs, excise and VAT needs.

Thanks to our direct link with our colleagues of Vatsquare we can offer your company customs, excise and VAT advice as a one stop shop service. As a result we guarantee you professional advice in perfect harmony, leaving you to focus on what you’re good at: running your company or organisation.



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Periodic update of the European goods nomenclature

On 10 June 2024, EU Council Regulation 2024/1652 was published, concerning a number of amendments to the European goods nomenclature. Such amendments are published on a six-month basis according to good tradition. These amendments enter into force on 1 July 2024. The right moment to bring master data in line with these changes, and in […]

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Updated EU guidance document on CBAM

On May 30th, 2024 the Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union of the EU Commission has released the updated guidance document on CBAM implementation for importers of goods into the EU. The document contains the latest views on this important topic and a number of corrections vs. the earlier version. A good occasion to go through […]

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Free Trade Agreement EU – New Zealand entered into force on May 1, 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union and New Zealand, signed in Brussels on 9 July 2023, has entered into force. This FTA will lead to increased trade between the EU and New Zealand, and will offer, amongst others, lower trade barriers and customs duty rates. In order to […]

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Extension of GSP until the end of 2027

On 27 November 2023, the EU Commission has extended the current EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (the so-called ‘GSP’ scheme) regulation until the end of 2027. This GSP scheme of customs duty preferences removes EU import duties for products released for free circulation in the EU, originating in vulnerable developing countries, and has been a […]

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