New Version of the Combined Nomenclature

The European Commission has published the latest version of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) applicable as from 1 January 2024.

The CN is the basis for the declaration of your goods upon importation and exportation, or when subject to intra-EU trade statistics (Intrastat reporting).

The commodity codes linked to your goods determine the customs duty rates, as well as the applicable trade policy measures, and are key for compliant reporting.

This is the right moment to review the correctness of your product classification. Feel free to reach out to us for a review of your commodity codes in general, or in the light of these upcoming changes, and to assess the impact.

The latest version of the CN is now available as Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2364 in EU Official Journal 2023/2364 L series of 31 October 2023.

Source / read more: Commission publishes the 2024 version of the Combined Nomenclature (

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