
Customs Square-nieuws: uw nieuwskanaal in het douanelandschap!

Bij Customs Square volgen we de douane- en accijnsregelgeving op de voet, zowel nationaal als internationaal. De experten van Customs Square screenen interessante nieuwsbronnen en houden u mee op de hoogte van de laatste douanenieuwtjes, wijzigingen in de regelgeving en andere zaken die voor uw onderneming belangrijk zijn.

Hiermee wordt Customs Square uw ‘one stop shop’ voor al uw douane- en accijnsvragen!

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Periodic update of the European goods nomenclature

On 10 June 2024, EU Council Regulation 2024/1652 was published, concerning a number of amendments to the European goods nomenclature. Such amendments are published on a six-month basis according to good tradition. These amendments enter into force on 1 July 2024. The right moment to bring master data in line with these changes, and in […]

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Updated EU guidance document on CBAM

On May 30th, 2024 the Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union of the EU Commission has released the updated guidance document on CBAM implementation for importers of goods into the EU. The document contains the latest views on this important topic and a number of corrections vs. the earlier version. A good occasion to go through […]

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Free Trade Agreement EU – New Zealand entered into force on May 1, 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union and New Zealand, signed in Brussels on 9 July 2023, has entered into force. This FTA will lead to increased trade between the EU and New Zealand, and will offer, amongst others, lower trade barriers and customs duty rates. In order to […]

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Extension of GSP until the end of 2027

On 27 November 2023, the EU Commission has extended the current EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (the so-called ‘GSP’ scheme) regulation until the end of 2027. This GSP scheme of customs duty preferences removes EU import duties for products released for free circulation in the EU, originating in vulnerable developing countries, and has been a […]

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New Version of the Combined Nomenclature

The European Commission has published the latest version of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) applicable as from 1 January 2024. The CN is the basis for the declaration of your goods upon importation and exportation, or when subject to intra-EU trade statistics (Intrastat reporting). The commodity codes linked to your goods determine the customs duty rates, as well as […]

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CBAM Transition phase started on October 1, 2023.

On October 1, 2023, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) entered into application in its transitional phase. The CBAM is the EU’s tool to fight carbon leakage and is part of the Fit for 55 Agenda of the EU. The purpose is to make the price of carbon between domestic products and imports equivalent. As of […]

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11th package of sanctions against Russia

Starting September 30, 2023, the 11th package of sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine entered into force, including, amongst many other measures, import restrictions for iron and steel products imported into the EU from third countries. As of that date, it is forbidden to import, directly or indirectly, iron and steel products into […]

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Abolition of Swiss customs duties on industrial goods

As of January 1st, 2024 customs duties on industrial goods will disappear in Switzerland. The abolition of these customs duties concerns goods that are classified in Chapters 25 to 97 of the Nomenclature, with the exception of some products classified in Chapters 35 and 38, which are classified as agricultural products. As a consequence, the […]

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KIS-SIC beschikbaar voor externe gebruikers via My Minfin-portaal (FOD Financiën)

Sinds oktober 2021 is het mogelijk om via het EU Trade Portal van de Europese Commissie 22 types van douanevergunningen digitaal aan te vragen en hun status op te volgen. De Belgische douaneoverheid laat via dit portaal enkel de aanvraag van grensoverschrijdende vergunningen toe. Voor de gedigitaliseerde aanvraag van nationale vergunningen werd in België een […]

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Btw-vrijstelling voor vervoerdiensten die rechtstreeks verband houden met uitvoer van goederen: toepassing uitgesteld tot 1 april 2022

Op 22 november 2021 publiceerde de Belgische fiscus een addendum bij haar eerdere circulaire van 27 oktober 2021. De inperking van de btw-vrijstelling voor vervoerdiensten die rechtstreeks verband houden met een uitvoer van goederen wordt hiermee uitgesteld naar 1 april 2022. Achtergrond Overeenkomstig artikel 146, lid 1, onder e), van richtlijn 2006/112/EG van de raad […]

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Dirk Janssens (Demeyere): “Met Customs Square hebben we de ideale partner aan boord om ons te adviseren in complexe douanedossiers”

Al meer dan een eeuw is de firma Demeyere uit Herentals actief in de productie en verkoop van kookgerei, messen, scharen, tafelgerei en keukentoestellen. Het familiebedrijf kende de voorbije decennia een stevige groei, zeker na de overname door de Zwilling Group in 2008. Die groei zorgt ook voor toenemende internationale activiteiten (aan- en verkoop), en […]

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Bent u klaar voor de nieuwe invoerprocedure van de Nederlandse douane?

Sinds begin oktober 2021 geldt in Nederland een nieuwe invoerprocedure. Met deze nieuwe procedure is het niet meer mogelijk om een invoeraangifte te doen voordat de goederen zijn gelost. De nieuwe invoerprocedure heet Container Vrijgave Bericht (CVB). Vanaf nu controleert de douane of de invoeraangifte overeenkomt met de ATO. De Aangifte Tijdelijke Opslag (ATO) is […]

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Walter Vanbeveren (Dukale Services): “Dankzij de uitstekende douane-expertise van Customs Square kunnen we onze eigen klanten extra meerwaarde bieden”

Voor ondernemingen die internationaal zakendoen is het van levensbelang om prangende douane- en logistieke vraagstukken snel en correct af te handelen. Ook het bedrijf Dukale Services uit Borsbeek heeft de douanezaken graag op een rijtje. Zaakvoerder Walter Vanbeveren rekent hiervoor op de expertise en ervaring van Customs Square. Hij legt uit hoe deze samenwerking verloopt. […]

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Peter Roggeman (Eurikas): “De experten van Customs Square en Vatsquare bieden ons optimale ondersteuning bij complexe douane- en btw-dossiers”

Als klein maar ambitieus bedrijf in de nichesector van speciaalchemie is Eurikas op zoek naar kwaliteitsvol douane- en btw-advies tegen een eerlijke prijs. Oprichter Peter Roggeman en zijn team doet al enkele jaren beroep op de expertise van Customs Square en Vatsquare. En daar is hij zeer tevreden over. Kunt u kort de historiek en […]

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Christophe Houpels (H. Essers): “Dankzij de samenwerking met Customs Square schakelen we een versnelling hoger om onze verwerkingscapaciteit een boost te geven.”

Internationaal actieve bedrijven en hun logistieke dienstverleners worden vandaag geconfronteerd met heel wat uitdagingen. De impact van de Brexit en de huidige coronapandemie zijn slechts enkele factoren die voor de nodige stress zorgen: complexe in- en uitvoerprocedures, een verstoorde wereldwijde containertrafiek, schaarse (en dus duurdere) grondstoffen, productieprocessen die vertragen of stilvallen,… Om maar te zwijgen […]

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March 2021: EU and U.S. agree to suspend all tariffs linked to the Airbus and Boeing disputes

On 5 March 2021 the European Union and the United States agreed to suspend all retaliatory tariffs on EU and U.S. exports imposed in the Airbus and Boeing disputes for a four-month period. The suspension allows both sides to focus on resolving this long-running dispute. It provides an important boost to EU exporters, since the […]

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Gerrit Van Kets (UPI Europe BV): “De samenwerking met de douanespecialisten van Customs Square geeft ons gemoedsrust en comfort.”

Praktisch douaneadvies, op maat van ondernemingen. En kort op de bal spelen bij het uitwerken van douaneoplossingen, zodat een onderneming haar eigen klanten snel kan helpen. Dat is de missie van Customs Square. We vroegen Gerrit Van Kets, Director of Business Development bij UPI Europe BV, waarom hij met de douanespecialisten van Customs Square samenwerkt […]

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EU to enhance preferential trade with Pan-Euro-Mediterranean countries

On 7 December 2020, a package of 21 decisions was adopted by the Council of the EU to increase trade between the European Union and neighbouring countries in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean region. As a result of these decisions the EU and 20 trading partners in the region will update their free trade agreement by modernising the […]

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U.S. and UK conclude arrangement to strengthen end-to-end supply chain security

On 21 January 2021 the United States and the United Kingdom have concluded an arrangement to formally recognize one another’s authorized economic operator programs. Mutual recognition of the U.S. and UK authorized economic operator programs will mitigate risks, improve information sharing, and eliminate red tape for our partners in the trade community. Authorized economic operator […]

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United States and United Kingdom conclude Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (CMAA)

On 16 December 2020 the United States and the United Kingdom concluded a Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (CMAA) to further enhance bilateral efforts to secure and facilitate lawful trade. CMAAs are bilateral agreements between countries that are enforced by their respective customs administrations. The agreements provide the legal framework for the exchange of information and […]

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Douanewaarde en onderwaardering: toelichting basisprincipes

Wat is de douanewaarde van een goed? Bij de vaststelling van de douaneschuld bij ingevoerde goederen worden drie elementen gebruikt: de oorsprong van de ingevoerde goederen, het douanetarief en de douanewaarde. De douanewaarde vormt de belastbare basis voor de toepassing van de ad valorem-rechten. Hoe wordt de douanewaarde bepaald? Voor een rechtvaardige, eenvormige en neutrale […]

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November/December 2020 – LinkedIn-posts Customs Square

18 December 2020 Customs Square welcomes new colleague Kurt Osaer Customs Square is delighted to welcome customs expert Kurt Osaer as a new team member. With more than 20 years of work experience in a customs environment (including the Federal Public Service Customs and Excise), Kurt mainly focuses on consulting clients about AEO-procedures and assisting […]

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Customs Square welcomes new colleague Kurt Osaer

| December 2020 | Customs Square is delighted to welcome customs expert Kurt Osaer as a new team member. With more than 20 years of work experience in a customs environment (including the Federal Public Service Customs and Excise), Kurt mainly focuses on consulting clients about AEO-procedures and assisting them in the execution of customs […]

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October/November 2020 – LinkedIn-posts Customs Square

6 November 2020 COVID-19: European Commission puts forward taxation and customs measures to support access to more affordable equipment, vaccines and testing kits: 4 November 2020 The European Commission has published the latest version of the Combined Nomenclature (CN), applicable as from 1 January 2021. The Combined Nomenclature forms the basis for the declaration […]

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WCO celebrates 50th session of Technical Committee on Customs Valuation

On 12 October 2020 the World Customs Organisation (WCO) organised a virtual commemorative opening to mark the 50th Session of the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation (TCCV). The year 2020 marked also the 25 years of existence of the commonly known WTO Customs Valuation Agreement, an appropriate milestone to review the history and achievements of […]

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European Commission proposes new ‘Single Window’

European Commission proposes new ‘Single Window’ to modernise and streamline customs controls, facilitate trade and improve cooperation Each year, the Custom Union facilitates the trade of more than 3,5 trillion EUR worth of goods. Efficient customs clearance and controls are essential to allow trade to flow smoothly while also protecting EU citizens, businesses and the […]

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Certification of origin: what are the latest trends?

In June 2020 the WCO published an update of the Comparative Study on certification of origin (previous version published in 2014) to highlight new trends both on non-preferential and preferential origin. With regard to non-preferential rules of origin, the increasing use or acceptance of electronic certificates of origin (e-CO) is an important trend to take […]

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Customs Square: going for growth!

In the coming weeks Evi Boonen, Klaas De Schepper, Linda Fierens, Tom Verbrugge and Kirby Van den Bosch of Customs Square are looking forward to welcome new customs experts to their team. By taking aboard these new experts, Customs Square will be able to offer an impeccable and tailor-made service to its clients, provided by […]

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WCO Cargo Targeting System gets upgraded

WCO Cargo Targeting System gets upgraded October 2020 The WCO has released an upgraded version of its Cargo Targeting System (WCO CTS). This enhancement has been made possible thanks to financial support provided by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, and assistance from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This software […]

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September/October 2020 – LinkedIn-posts Customs Square

5 October 2020 The UK transition: new rules from 2021 As the UK is leaving the EU single market and Customs Union and the end of the transition period will affect citizens and businesses, the UK government has gathered all useful tips and rules from January 2021 on its website: 2 October 2020 Table […]

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Nederlandse ondernemers over de Brexit: resultaten onderzoeksrapport Nederlandse overheid

In maart/april 2020 liet de Nederlandse regering een kwalitatief onderzoek uitvoeren bij Nederlandse ondernemers om te polsen naar de meningen, ervaringen en verwachtingen die ze hebben van de Brexit en de onderwerpen die zij belangrijk vinden. In totaal werden 12 ondernemers uit diverse sectoren (goederen, diensten, transport, healthcare en land- en tuinbouw) ondervraagd door het […]

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September 2020: European Commission adopts proposals to make EU-U.S. agreement on tariffs effective

On 8 September 2020 the European Commission published a proposal for a Council and European Parliament regulation to scrap duties on certain imports to the EU. In return, the United States will reduce its duties on certain EU exports to the U.S. market. This puts into effect the agreement announced by the EU and the […]

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International cooperation in customs matters between the EU and third countries

The trade of goods across the borders of the European Union customs territory cannot be properly managed only through unilateral action by the Union. The customs authorities in the Union can accomplish their missions, as defined in Article 3 UCC, only if their action in the Union is supported by cooperation with the customs authorities […]

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The INF System for Special Procedures: what’s in it for your business?

The INF System for Special Procedures (INF = Information Sheet System) is a trans-European system that ensures the administrative and standardized exchange of information between economic operators and customs authorities, and between customs authorities themselves involved during the customs procedures of inward and outward processing. Its main objective is to make all INF data available […]

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Tariff quotas in the European Union: an introduction

The objectif of tariff quotas, as approved on the basis of Article 31 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), is to permit, during the period of validity of the measure and for a limited quantity, the total (total suspension) or partial waiver (partial suspension) of the normal duties applicable to […]

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European Commission waives customs duties and VAT on the import of medical equipment from non-EU countries

Temporary relief prolonged until 31 October 2020 On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. On 11 March 2020 the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. As the number of infection cases increased alarmingly, numerous Member States declared a national state of […]

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Customs Risk Management in the EU: how does the EU protect the security and safety of its citizens?

Security is and has always been a top priority for the European customs. Over the years the quantity of goods moving in and out of the EU has become so important that it has become impossible to control every shipment. It is therefore extremely important to carry out targeted controls based on risk management. The […]

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EU customs seized 740 million EUR worth of fake and potentially dangerous goods in 2018

In 2018 EU customs intercepted nearly 740 million EUR worth of fake goods being imported into the EU. This increase is due to a large amount of small parcels in express and postal traffic. Detention figures for seized consignments jumped from 57.433 in 2017 to 69.354 in 2018, though the total amount of articles detained […]

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The EU Customs Union: facts & figures (2018)

The European Union Customs Union (EUCU) is a customs union which consists of all the member states of the EU, Monaco, the United Kingdom, and some dependencies of the United Kingdom which were not part of the EU.

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The Import Control System 2 (ICS2): definition, benefits and releases

The EU customs pre-arrival security and safety programme, underpinned by a large-scale information system (ICS2), is one of the main contributors towards establishing an integrated EU approach to reinforce customs risk management under the common risk management framework (CRMF).

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The new 2022 Edition of the Harmonized System: what major changes to take into account?

HS 2022, which is the seventh edition of the Harmonized System (HS) nomenclature used for the uniform classification of goods traded internationally all over the world, has been accepted by the all Contracting Parties to the Harmonized System Convention. It shall come into force on 1 January 2022.

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Negotations on a UK-US Free Trade Agreement: laying the groundwork for a potential future free trade agreement post-Brexit

On May 5, 2020 the UK and US governments kicked off a first round of negotiations on a UK-US Free Trade Agreement.

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Dual-use trade: review of the EU export control system

Dual use goods are products and technologies normally used for civilian purposes but which may have military applications.

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WCO publishes guidelines how to establish and utilize essential goods during a disaster

In the light of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of countries designated priority lanes and introduced facilitative measures with regard to the cross-border movement of essential goods.

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EU and Mexico conclude negotiations for a new trade agreement

On 28 April 2020 the European Union and Mexico finalized their negotiations on a new trade agreement. Under this agreement, practically all trade in goods between the EU and Mexico will be duty free.

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Brexit: what trade agreements with non-EU countries has the UK signed so far?

Following Brexit, the UK is free to strike new trade deals for selling goods and services around the world. The government is also continuing negotiations for a new trade agreement with the European Union (EU). What trade agreements with non-EU countries has the UK signed so far?

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